Sunday, July 1, 2007

What's it all about?

Well, here goes...

I begin my blog with no preconceptions. For all I know, nobody will ever read what I have to say. At the very worst, this should be a cathartic experience for me. It will grant me the opportunity to "vent", on topics from politics and law to entertainment and sport, in what I hope is a productive outlet.

To those of you who listen to the Rush Limbaugh program, the term "Fitzfong" is self-explanatory. For those of you who have never heard the term, I will explain. To the best of my knowledge, Mr. Limbaugh created the term "Fitzfong", nevertheless, he certainly popularized the expression.

The "-fong" comes from Mike Nifong, the disgraced and recently disbarred former District Attorney in Durham, NC. Nifong is infamous for having maliciously prosecuted three Duke University students for an alleged rape. In a greedy attempt to enhance his own career aspirations, he pursued a frivolous case against the three students, ignoring airtight alibis and hiding exculpatory evidence along the way. He used an eager and sypathetic media to perpetuate his mythical assertions, and he partnered with a shameful group of 88 Duke University professors to convict these innocent young men in the court of public opinion. The fact that his corruption was eventually exposed had much to do with good fortune...the families of the three students had both the means and the will to make certain that the truth came out and that an injustice was averted. Mike Nifong has finally been exposed as a fraud, and his name will forever be synonymous with prosecutorial misconduct and trial lawyer excess.

The "Fitz" comes from Patrick Fitzgerald, the lead prosecutor in the Scooter Libby trial. Patrick Fitzgerald is the moral equivalent of Mike Nifong, though he is somehow held in higher regard. Fitzgerald prosecuted an equally dubious case and managed to use the same media to parrot his deliberate misrepresentations of facts in an effort to convict Mr. Libby in the court of public opinion. Fitzgerald was further enabled in his mission by a transparently biased presiding judge, Reggie Walton, who tied the hands of Libby's defense team at every turn. Mr. Libby was convicted of perjury when, at best, Fitzgerald could only prove that Mr. Libby's recollections of fact were at odds with those of Judith Miller, Matt Cooper and Tim Russert...each of whom had inconsistencies in testimony, and one of whom (Tim Russert) actually did commit perjury at the trial. Fitzgerald never proved Libby had commited perjury, the jury just concluded that they believed Tim Russert's account as opposed to Libby's. The truth is that even with Reggie Walton's generous assistance, Fitzgerald didn't have a strong enough case to convict Mr. Libby, but got a conviction anyway. Without Walton stacking the deck in Fitzgerald's favor, however, the case would have fallen apart completely. Walton refused to allow the defense to enter evidence that would have poked holes in the prosecution's case, including potentially exculpatory witnesses and tapes that showed Russert perjured himself on the stand. After Mr. Libby's conviction, Fitzgerald, who should have been thankful he wasn't facing disbarrment himself, became increasingly cocky, demanding the maximum sentence to "send a message" (the catch-all phrase that blowhards in the legal profession use when they want to attach greater meaning to questionable victories). Walton, now clearly pleased with himself, took on the snide persona of Paul Lynde when he arrogantly dismissed the brief submitted on Mr. Libby's behalf by legal scholars as divergent as Robert Bork and Alan Dershowitz. It came as no surprise when Walton, in all his bluster, sentenced Mr. Libby to close to the maximum and denied him the opportunity to stay out of prison while pursuing his appeal. Patrick Fitzgerald is no better than Mike Nifong, he's just significantly more fortunate. His name should be synonymous with prosecutorial misconduct and trial lawyer excess.

So what is this blog about? Fitzfong starts with the egregious examples set by Patrick Fitzgerald and Mike Nifong, but it goes beyond that. Fitzgerald and Nifong are just two of many attorneys who abuse the legal system and often prosper with the willing assistance of the left-wing media. Vacuous empty suits like John Edwards and Hillary Clinton are running for president having accomplished little more than bankrupting medical practitioners with tall tales presented to people too stupid to avoid jury duty. The ACLU, MALDEF and the Council on American Islamic Relations work diligently to pervert U.S. national security using political correctness and frivolous lawsuits as their weapons. But as much as this is a blog about rogue attorneys like Roy "$54 million pants" Pearson, it is about their victims, like the Chung family, Peter Reilly, Raymond Buckey, Scooter Libby and the Duke Lacrosse Team. It's about the people who somehow manage to avoid justice while simultaneously basking in the glow of a fawning press, like the 6 Imams, Ted Kennedy, Dianne Feinstein, Joe Wilson, Valerie Plame and O.J. Simpson. And it's about the so-called mainstream media who are more concerned with Florida 2000 than they are with September 11, 2001. Far from being objective, "journalists" like Katie Couric, Tim Russert, David Gregory and Terry Moran are about as balanced as lunatics like Rosie O'Donnell, Bill Maher and Keith Olbermann. If Dan Rather taught us anything, journalists who don't have the facts to match their agendas will simply make them up. Blogs are necessary, as a healthy skepticism of the mainstream press is crucial to the continued success of this nation. Thank you for the time.


Marvis Cohen said...

Just finished reading your utter garbage rant! Are you just a right-wing racist or what? Unbelievable, get your head and ass out of the toilet and use some common sense. You and your christian right-wing cohorts are what is dangerous in this country. Idiot! I can only pray that you and your kind will be in hiding when Obama and Richardson win in 2008.

Unknown said...

Attention "Marvis Cohen":

If you can't see that what this writer is saying makes sense, then it must be you with your head in the toilet. I am surprised that you stumbled upon a sensible sounding blog...what were you looking for? Rosie's blog? That is more your speed. Oh I know - you must be on the Obama campaign trail, posting on other blogs for free advertising. And by the way, I would like to hear what about this post you find racist? Just like a liberal, when you have nothing rational to say pull out the "racist" card. Go cry on one of your left-wing drivel boards where they speak your nonsensical language. I fear for the future of this country with people like you in it.

Marvis Cohen said...

Wow!! What a hypocrite! You argue that Edwards was a coward for having his wife defend him AND now you have your daughter doing the same thing. Krista, you sound like a nice young lady, but maybe you should graduate high school before attempting to communicate with me. Your nonsense regarding Libby was incorrect as he was commuted today. Maybe you and your daughter should get YOUR facts straight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Sorry, Marvis...but I am not sure how you would guess that I am "fitzfong's" daughter. I'm fitzfong's mother. :) Ha ha! Just kidding. I am like you, a random poster. But then, not thinking is a typical leftist move so I am not at all surprised by your assumptions.

fitzfong said...

All right, calm down you two.

Unknown said...

I couldn't resist adding my 2 cents and 2 psalms worth. (Praise the Lord.) Mavis, honey, I am praying for you. I aint never said a bad word about any of God's children, but Mavis, you're testing me. I don't know what church you belong to, but something tells me you ain't a Baptist. Dear Lord, I thank you for the good people of the world - the Fitzdongs and the Kristies. Proverbs 20:47 - A righteous man that walketh in his integrity, blessed are his children after him. (Amen.) Ann Couter is a good lady, warning the Godless and the Christless people of this country that the end is near. Fitzdong is right, the Republicans are right, the Right is right, Sweet Baby Jesus is right. And in today's world it takes real courage to stand up and say it - John Edwards is a faggot who should have died in a terrorist attack. What is so wrong with that? And who cares if Annie Couter was in Deliverance? That's a dang good movie; I think it's all just anti-southern rhetoric.

Unknown said...

Az molaghat e sham khosh vaghtam. It’s nice to hear from you, sir. I may not agree with your perspective, but I respect your passion. Let me please offer you another perspective: compassion. I fear that if you saw me you would say “yikes, look at this guy with a towel on his head – he must be a terrorist!” Lotfan, Please, no. Man dar America zendegi mikonam. I live in America; I love this country. I beg please for compassion, love one another. I read your blog and I think this man has passion, this man also loves his country, but maybe this man is angry, maybe this man is unsatisfied, maybe this man forgot to take his medicine! Ha, just making joke! Don’t be so mad. Let compassion open your heart. Asr be kheyr!

Unknown said...

What the hay is that?